1-1 Tuition

1 to 1 Photography Tuition

Everyone is at different levels and like different genres of
photography, so there is no set itinerary and all levels are welcome.

Your 1 on 1 photo training will go at the right pace for you and concentrate only on what you need to grow your skills and self confidence.

If you’re a complete beginner you won’t feel left behind (or that you might be holding others back). If you’re more experienced, you won’t be held back.

You’ll gain new skills, expand existing skills, improve your understanding and evolve new ways of thinking about and using photographic techniques.

If you’re not local but would still like a workshop with me I can travel, but please note expenses for fuel from 15 Km (0.35p/Km) will be required.

What would you work on?

  • Camera controls and settings
  • Composition & light
  • Which lens to use
  • The use of Filters

If what you’re looking for isn’t listed, please ask.


I am based in Madrid, home to some of the most spectacular scenery in the World. You choose where we go, or we can decide where to go.

What to Expect

For those people who feel that they would like to spend a day having individual photography tuition rather than learning in a small group, I offer my one-to-one photography training day. 

We’ll discuss some of your work you feel great about, some you don’t and asses it together. 

Learning new things whilst having fun at the same time is fantastic, and with our one-to-one photography tuition day you will do just that!  

I want you to go home having learnt loads and feeling confident – rather than just nice photos you don’t know how to repeat.

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